Medical acupuncture is a therapeutic modality involving the insertion of fine needles; it is an adaptation of Chinese acupuncture using current knowledge of anatomy, physiology and pathology, and the principles of evidence-based medicine.
Acupuncture probably originated in China, where it is used as one of a range of treatments provided within Traditional Chinese Medicine. Traditional Chinese Medicine is often called TCM. Although TCM is taught in medical schools in China, TCM doctors have a very different way of looking at how the human body works.
Many Western doctors accept that acupuncture treatment does work in a wide range of conditions and for a variety of patients. We want to use this treatment to help our patients.
There is a great deal of Western scientific research into pain that has helped us understand how acupuncture might work. In particular, we know that acupuncture causes the release of natural pain-killing and healing chemicals within our bodies. In other words, acupuncture appears to help our bodies to heal themselves.
Treatment involves the use of fine sterile steel needles that are gently inserted into different points in the body. Normally this is a painless process although some people might feel a slight scratch (much less than if you have an injection or give blood). The needles may be left in for differing periods depending on your problem. Typically, they might be left in for a few minutes.
We also make use of electro acupuncture. This is a treatment that enhances the effects of acupuncture by passing a very low current between two needles in a muscle. If your practitioner feels this might be helpful they will discuss it with you as an option for treatment.
Our practitioners have all undertaken postgraduate training in Medical Acupuncture and make use of it as an element of treatment in a range of presenting conditions. If you would like to discuss whether it might be a helpful treatment option for you or not you can ring the clinic or book an appointment and discuss things with your practitioner.
EXCELLENT Based on 140 reviews Jim Murray2024-09-26Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google. Very professional. Liz Morrison2024-09-21Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google. Great treatment at this Clinic. Been treated by Alessio who is an excellent Osteopath. I am so much better and improving with each visit. Would highly recommend Alessio. Ryan Huntley2024-09-18Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google. Wonderful experience with Theresa. I am posting this after initial consultant and before further treatment so no comment on results. As far as the appointment, it’s the most involved and in-depth physical assessment I’ve ever had. I felt validated for my issues and assured there could be a way forward. The assessment was through, explanation was clear and sensible and Theresa was so polite, friendly and fun. Couldn’t fault it, look forward to my next visit. Alfred Davis2024-09-11Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google. Easy and comfortable with the physiotherapist and stress free After treatment had the best night's sleep in months. Wished I'd gone sooner. Matt K2024-09-09Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google. Great service as ever. Seal Cameron2024-09-03Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google. lovely people, really well organised and calm Jackie Donald2024-08-23Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google. Staff are very friendly and professional Wish I knew about them years ago Allesio has saved me from going through another knee replacement very knowledgeable. Amanda Robertson2024-08-22Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google. Great appointment with Teresa yet again. I have fibromyalgia so going here every few weeks really helps me, getting manipulation on my neck, spine & hips. Also acupuncture helps me a lot. Would definitely recommend for anyone to try the osteopaths even for a routine check up